How are we doing? We want to hear from you?
We are reaching out to you, our supporters, to help us reimagine how we more effectively improve public access, increase inclusivity, and enhance coastal ecosystem protection.
One important aspect to deepening support for protecting access to the coast is working to ensure that the Trinidad coastline is a safe, welcoming, and inspiring place for everyone, including people of all abilities, racial, ethnic, gender and socioeconomic identities. We envision a future where the faces we see enjoying the coast more fully embody the diversity of our community. We need your input on how to reduce barriers that may be preventing community members from experiencing the coast, and how to prioritize our work - whether it be ADA compliant trails and vistas, inclusive and inspirational coastal education, or habitat protection via conservation easements.
One important aspect to deepening support for protecting access to the coast is working to ensure that the Trinidad coastline is a safe, welcoming, and inspiring place for everyone, including people of all abilities, racial, ethnic, gender and socioeconomic identities. We envision a future where the faces we see enjoying the coast more fully embody the diversity of our community. We need your input on how to reduce barriers that may be preventing community members from experiencing the coast, and how to prioritize our work - whether it be ADA compliant trails and vistas, inclusive and inspirational coastal education, or habitat protection via conservation easements.
We invite you to join us and make your voice heard by completing our Community Input Form!
Protección y acceso costero de Trinidad | Formulario de aportes de la comunidad¡Saludos y bienvenidos a nuestra encuesta de opinión de la comunidad! Gracias por su participación y por tomarse el tiempo para compartir su opinión con nosotros. El propósito de este formulario es juntar información sobre nuestra comunidad, con la meta de entender los puntos de vista sobre cómo mejorar el acceso costero y la inclusión. Esta información se utilizará en el plan estratégico de Trinidad Coastal Land Trusts (TCLT- Fideicomisos de las Tierras Costeras de Trinidad) y en los planes de futuro. Por favor aparte por lo menos 10 minutos para completar esta encuesta.